Thursday, September 3, 2009

maine tiger lilies

I am doing flower artwork for my "office" for our new living quarters...wherever that ends up I did these tiger lilies as a reminder of our Maine home. We've had these all along the wall on the back side of the house.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Mackenzie's gerber daisies.

Mackenzie is only 13. She has been doing art for several years. She made this as a wedding present for a cousin, who literally cried when she opened this, matted and framed. She really loves water-color pencils, as do I.

Morgan's painting

During one of our art sessions while the s were here, Morgan did this painting.
She did an awesome job...she's only 11!

Isaac's Artic Wolves

I am trying to do a picture for each of the grandchildren over time. I did these white artic wolves for Isaac. I thought they came out pretty well. Animals are really fun in pastel because of the hair.

Lianne's Pansies

Lianne came home in June with the girls for two week. We had art flying almost every minute the girls were in the house. Lianne settled down one evening and did these beautiful pansies in Pastels.

Joshua's Cougar

Joshua came up for a couple days to help his ole' Nana do some work to help with readying the house for sale. He took part in my art class and lo and behold...A MASTERPIECE!

My favorite Sunflower

I found this sunflower picture and it sure "spoke" to me. I couldn't relax until I did it. I wasn't feeling well last night, so I bunkered down in my easy chair with all my materials and away I went!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Skunk for Morgan

During a visit here in Maine, Morgan, her Daddy Craig, and Bumpa decided to go for a walk one mild evening in the fall. Morgan was probably 7ish. It was dark as they started out and Bumpa started telling about how the skunks come out after dark. He told her they would probably see one and if she didn't want to have any "stinky" occurrences, she had better take along some celery just in case. Doesn't everyone know that Skunks just LOVE celery? (really???)
She got scared, turned around, and booked it back to the safety of the house. Ever since then, Morgan and her Bumpa try to "skunk" each other and see who can outdo the other one. It has been a lot of fun.

Bunnies for Gaby

Gaby picked Bunnies to love after Bumpa started a "skunk" relationship with Morgan, and then Mia decided she loved Ducks! So we have catered to these choices for about 3 years now.

Duckies for Mia

I've decided to do a painting for all my grandchildren, something that they are fond of. It is so enjoyable for me to brings me such joy. I thought it would be a good gift that would go with them through the ages of time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Eagle for my Eagles

This is an Eagle picture that I had drawn 2 years ago, but needed to be painted. I did this with watered down Acylic paints...which actually look like my water color paintings as I paint very bright anyway. It is an excellent media to you can paint layers and change colors after it's dried which you can't do as well in water color.

To Lianne, with love, from MOM

This is a picture I made for Lianne...sending her some spring from Maine.
It was done in Watercolor. I have an unusual watercolor style. I seem to paint very bright.