Monday, February 25, 2008

My New Invention - Paper-Piecing.

These are paper-piecing projects. Click on them and you can see the details of the papers glued on. All you need is a catalog of any kind to get colors and textures...even a clothing catalog will do. These are from a quilting catalog. This is great for children to do. Grandchildren: Isaac did a dragon. Ben a tiger. Megan a cat. Camille a horse. They draw the picture onto the oval first, then match the colors of the picture with the papers that are cut into squares and glued on. Then you glue the oval on top. If you find a mat that brings out one of the colors, they are truly beautiful when framed.
The rose one on the left I made especially for our friends, Karl and Jeannine Franson. They seemed delighted with it. Scroll way down and you will find another of sunflowers that I made for my neice, Laura. So satisfying!


Lindy said...

Yeah!It looks good-much better, like things are intended to be where they are.Glad you got things figured out. Watch out, it's very addicting!xoxo

Judie and George said...

The detail in this is amazing. It is so intricate.